Anytime some data is uploaded to a cloud hosting account or downloaded using it, some web site traffic is generated which is a component that each hosting plan has. It is also one of the characteristics you should check out, as the amount of traffic quota you'll need is dependent upon the things you need the account for. The web site traffic is mostly generated by downloads and this includes website visits. Essentially, when somebody visits your web site, the pages are downloaded from the server to his or her computer and they're afterwards displayed by their internet browser. It's also recommendable to know that uploads count too, hence when you transfer large files from your laptop or computer to the server, some site traffic will be generated as well. Different providers often have different names for this specific feature, for instance traffic, bandwidth, data transfer, however all of them apply to the exact same thing - the exact amount of incoming and outgoing data created for a given period of time.

Monthly Traffic in Cloud Hosting

The monthly site traffic allowance for all our cloud hosting packages is enough for any website. If you have a personal blog, a community forum or E-commerce portal, the amount of data can be transferred to and from your account or reaching some small allowance restriction won't be a cause for your websites to be inaccessible. In addition, we supply you with detailed website traffic info, so you'll have the option to check how much information is being downloaded all of the time. The monthly, daily and hourly figures will give you an idea how your websites do, which files produce the most traffic and much more helpful details to help you handle the web sites along with your account as a whole. The statistics can be accessed with just a couple of clicks from your Hepsia web hosting Control Panel.