Complimentary Design Templates
Make use of the 800+ complimentary design templates offered

At the time you build a fresh website, it’s critical to locate the best layout for it. With the Web Site Control Panel it can be done extremely fast. We’ve got for you a wide range of over 800 unique web site styles readily available for no charge. They are offered with every one of our cloud hosting accounts and are fully customizable.
Nearly all of the templates are made exclusively for our services and are not available elsewhere beyond the Control Panel. It means that the chances to find another person utilizing the same theme just like you usually are extremely low.
800+ Complimentary Design Templates
Thoroughly customizable. Automated Setting up
With, you can find a set of more than 800 complimentary design templates, provided directly into the Control Panel. This will certainly help save you a long time in checking third–party themes sites to search for the appropriate template for your web site. Now you can get your template right out the Control Panel.
The complimentary design templates are available with the Easy Web Site Installer as well as our own Cost Free Web Site Creator. Every one of these tools works with its own couple of web templates, so you can easily check both and decide on the most impressive appearance and feeling for your website.
Complimentary Application Design Templates
Grab complimentary design templates for your next app
We have made a variety of tools (’s Easy Web Site Installer,’s Applications Installer and also the Cost Free Web Site Creator), obtainable for free of charge inside the Control Panel, that can assist you install a fresh application just like Joomla™ or Wordpress within seconds. During the set up, you’ll be able to decide on a unique template that’ll be placed on your website right away.
We’ve got complimentary design templates for these apps: Wordpress, Joomla™, Moodle (e–learning), Mambo (CMS) and 4Images (image gallery).
Complimentary Site Builder Design Templates
100+ fully easy to customize complimentary design templates
In the Control Panel, you will get the ability to access our Cost Free Web Site Creator tool, that offers more than 100 unique web themes. Every one template comes along with a couple of diverse designs plus several shade possibilities. You are able to manage all of these web themes how you would like.
You do not have to have just about any experience with HTML or CSS to modify the themes in the Website Installer. All the work is carried out via the integrated manager, that’s easy to work with.